Well we braved 40 mph winds and extremely dusty conditions to spend a little time in my archery antelope unit this weekend with my two grandsons. I have been promising to take them camping this spring. After a long night in a tent with the wind not slowing down at all the boys were all ready to hit the four wheelers for a long day of looking at some new country and trying to find some bucks.
We put 20+ miles on the four wheelers finding pretty dry conditions every where we went and only seeing 10 antelope and two coyotes. But the good news is one of them is the buck Devin was trying to kill last year on his archery hunt. He knick named him the heart shaped buck because his horns almost touch at the tips. I will for sure be back in the area to get some photos and film of the heartshaped buck in the near future...... Stay tuned..
Treyden and the boys got him spotted |
Deagan in Training... He sure spotted alot of white rocks |
Eating some lunch |
We only lost one of them |
Deagan with the big find of the weekend |